
Power your business with in-depth user insights and data

Connect, track, and analyse with ease. Transform your data into knowledge and strategies with an all-in-one platform.

Unlimited search queries

Search as many times as you want for as many things as you want.

Boolean operators

Specify your searches by leveraging 48 different boolean operators.

Historical data

Historical data you can reliably on to spot new opportunities.

Thousands of data points

Get access to insights from across thousands online sources.

Multiple languages

Understand the conversation across different languages.

Sentiment analysis

Determines whether conversations are positive, negative, or neutral.

AI smart alerts

The AI assistant automatically detects spikes and drops in mentions.

Explore mentions

Go from a general view to exploring specific posts at the click of a mouse.
visual features

Take your business to the next level.

Make data-backed decisions and lead your business to sure-shot success with Gooyer.

Reporting & Collaboration

Generate compelling reports using our pre-built dashboards or customize your own.

Scalability & Performance

Gooyer is designed to evolve with your company’s growth. Our platform is designed to serve large global teams

Sentiment analysis

Analyze sentiment and brand perception without having to sift through large datasets manually.
feature 4

Good strategy comes from reliable data.

Get instant recommendations on trends and seo with auto-generated, detailed reports.
Get the exact sentiment score of each result.
Customize notifications channels and intensity.
Discover it
feature 5

Integrate with the best tools in the market

Don't waste time switching between multiple tools we will change the way you manages your intelligence projects.
Zipper is product that allows end users to integrate and automate workflows.
Twitter let you monitor tweets, retweets, replies, favorites, and conversation threads.
TripAdvisor let you retrieve data about restaurants, hotels, reviews, pricing...
Google let you retrieve data about organic and paid results, ads, queries.
feature 6

An all-in-one intelligence platform.

The most easy-to-use platform for marketers, researchers, and analysits.
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Data privacy and protection guarantee
See what mostly influences your business image
Bring in external data automations.
Sort through data based on filter preferences.
Set automated alerts and notifications
No coding required

Ready to transform your business?

Don’t take our word for it, see for yourself.
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