
Got questions?
We have got answers

The only platform designed to make your business shine brighter than your competition.
What are the data sources I’d be able to listen into?
Gooyer allows you to listen into all social channels (facebook, twitter, google+ etc.), video content (Youtube etc.), news, forums, and review boards amongst other sources. Almost everything out there!
Does the data flow in real time?
The data flows in real time from most of the data sources. All social mentions flow in real time and news flows in as-it-happens. A few 3rd party data sources might have some time-lag, but the volume of data flowing through such channels is a small proportion and the time lag is in the order of minutes.
Why do I need to authenticate facebook and/or twitter?
Authentication on facebook and twitter allows us the basic permissions we need to transmit all the data related to you in real time.
What if we have proprietary sources of data?
Your customer care emails can flow into the system. You can also add data manually into the system by selecting “Others” as the source. Our system automatically pulls in the data from such sources. In addition, if you do have some more proprietary sources of data, we can help you bring those in as a managed service.
Can I tune into data beyond my own brand?
By all means. We work on any topic that might be of interest. Just define the topics of interest whether they be brands, people, category names and so on. Our engines will work to get the corresponding data for you, all in real time!
My chatter is not in English. Can I still get the data and analysis?
Gooyer works on multi-lingual data and churns out insights. French, Spanish, German or Arabic, we source everything and our models run on all possible languages.
What insights do you provide beyond sentiment?
Gooyer provides you with insights relevant to your industry. At the time of set-up we ask you for your industry. Based on your input a set of models start working on your data. The set of insights are personalized to your industry or sub-industry. Take a look at the different industries we cater to.
I work for an industry which is not there in your listing?
We can help create AI models for issue classification and discovery for your industry. Just write-in to us. Our team is constantly adding to our knowledge base and we should be able to come back to you in sometime.
I need to download the raw data. Can I do that?
Yes, you can. You can choose the date (and even time range!) and download raw data in the form of a csv. What’s more, you can download the charts in the form of a ready PPT.
I prefer a different form of visualization. Can I use Tableau?
Gooyer provides connectors to popular data analysis and visualization platforms such as Tableau, Bigtable amongst others. Our managed services team can help create this integration for you.
How can I cancel my subscription?
You can cancel your subscription at any time on your account settings. Our customer success managers will assist you in doing so. No questions asked (apart from feedback, so that we can improve ourselves!).

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